Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

Welcome Beautiful Soul

A journey of 1000 miles begins with one single step...


• Your Journey Begins Today •

Unlock hidden potential and create lasting positive change in your life.
For those who are looking to make life-altering changes in their professional or personal life
Explore Mindfulness for your personal life, in the work environment or within a social setting
Reiki is an incredibly powerful form of healing, and can be used to reduce stress, enhance relaxation, improve sleep quality, and even provide relief from physical pain
Spiritual guidence and intuitive psychic readings that will leave you inspired and uplifted
Workshops on your chosen subject.  Whether it's Mindfulness, spiritual development or NLP practices for improved sales performance.

Personal Development Articles & Tools

Explore Gill's carefully curated articles to learn more and delve deeper when it comes to personal development.

Holistic & Spiritual Articles 

You might enjoy reading some of Gills carefully curated articles and blogs to support your journey of spiritual enlightenment.

View Articles & Tools
Gill Malfin

"I promise to do my very best to make your life feel better..."

Gill is a Certified NLP Practitioner, Transformational Life Coach, Reiki Healer & Psychic

Greetings, beautiful soul! 

I'm Gill and I am  life coach with a bit of a twist as I am also psychic.  I am here to help people who are facing a crossroad in life.  So welcome to my 'Bella Anima' website (I chose the brand name as it means Beautiful Soul).

It's a place where you can learn about me and the services I offer to assist you on your personal journey of discovery and growth.  The exciting first step on a journey to a new and improved you. It's also full of professional and spiritual articles with practical advice to help you on your journey to self development.

Navigating challenging times together; whether you have recently split from a relationship, grieving loss of a loved one, going through menopause, been made redundant from your job or simply wanting to explore a change of career.  Or if you are being held back by fears or phobias that are stopping you from leading your best life.  

Maybe you feel it’s time to make positive changes, overcoming fears and phobias, dropping old habits; give up smoking, lose weight and implement a healthier lifestyle.  If so, I can offer a unique blend of emotional support and mindfulness insights as an empathetic psychic and coach. If you are seeking a compassionate, intuitive approach to personal development, helping you navigate life’s challenges, achieve your goals, and grow both emotionally and spiritually, know that I am confident to be well placed to help you. 

Let's face it, you've arrived here for a reason.  The stars have aligned and boy, I know the potential that lies within, the greatness that's waiting to be discovered and shared with the rest of the world.  But it’s also a sign that' screams that it's about time that you made yourself a priority.

So don't let anything stand in your way.  You've got this and I’ve got you, every step of the way and it's going to be fun. It's my promise to you.

Love & Light, 


Gill Helps People Just Like YOU By Providing:

  • Emotional Support and Understanding - I offer compassionate guidance, providing a safe, non-judgmental space to express your feelings and experiences, helping you feel heard and understood.
  • Tailored Support - I can tune into your emotional state and needs, offering personalised advice and support that aligns with your current life circumstances.
  • Intuitive Insight and Clarity - I can tap into intuitive insights that may offer clarity and perspective on your life's challenges and decisions.
  • Overcoming Barriers - Addressing Fears and Phobias by understanding the root causes of your fears and phobias, I can help elevate them using NLP techniques and develop strategies to overcome them so you can move forward confidently.
  • Breaking Negative Patterns - I can identify and help you break free from recurring negative patterns, enabling you to make lasting positive changes.
  • Life Transitions and Personal Growth - Setting and Achieving Goals together, I can help you clarify your goals, create actionable plans, and provide the motivation and accountability needed to achieve them.
  • Lifestyle Changes - If you’re looking to adopt healthier habits, such as quitting smoking or losing weight, I can offer support and intuitive guidance to help you succeed.
  • Empowerment and Self-Discovery - I can empower you to trust your intuition, make informed decisions, and take proactive steps toward your desired future.
  • Through my guidance, you can gain deeper insights into your true self, uncover hidden talents, and align more closely with your life purpose.
  • Enhanced Relationships - Improving Relationships by understanding yourself better, you can improve your interactions and relationships with others, fostering deeper connections and resolving conflicts more effectively.
  • If you have become curious about your life’s path, I am able to support you on your spiritual journey, helping you explore and expand your spiritual beliefs and practices.

What Gill Means When She Refers to 'Being Spiritual'  

“Contrary to popular belief Spirituals are not all tree hugging hippies singing Kumbaya…


The term "spiritual" refers to aspects of life that relate to the human spirit, soul, or a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, often transcending the material and physical aspects of existence. Spirituality encompasses a broad range of beliefs, practices, and experiences, and it can be expressed through various religious or non-religious frameworks.


Spirituals constantly explore one’s inner self, values, beliefs, and purpose. They seek tranquillity, contentment, and harmony within oneself and the world around them.  They connect to a higher power.  They have faith in a relationship with a higher power, a divine presence, or the universal consciousness.

Feeling connected to other people, nature, and the universe, this can result in them experiencing and recognising aspects of life that go beyond the physical and material world. Often encountering indescribable experiences that provide a sense of awe, wonder, and unity.  They feel compelled to exploring and pursuing one’s unique purpose or calling in life.


Spirituals engage in daily acts of kindness, service, and compassion as a way to express their spiritual beliefs and values.  As a result, they benefit from enhanced emotional resilience, reduces stress, and their daily practice promotes a sense of peace and contentment.

Benefitting in enhanced mental clarity, improved self-awareness, and a greater sense of purpose and direction. 


In summary, spirituality is a deeply personal and subjective experience, varying widely among individuals and cultures. It offers a way to explore the deeper aspects of life, find meaning and purpose, and cultivate a sense of connection to the greater whole.  And boy does the world need them at the moment.”



Professional Certifications & Accreditations 

Because if it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly and my clients deserve the best.

“Gill is incredible, she doesn't necessarily tell you what you want to hear, but she has a deserning way about her & a unique gift to convey perspectives that you'd not consider alone. Five stars from me"

FD July 2024


Bella Anima© Copyright. 2023

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